Your Type Of Debt Is An Important Factor In Determining Your Debt Relief Options
If you are considering bankruptcy, it is important to understand the type of debt you are carrying and how each type of debt is handled in the bankruptcy proceeding. There are generally two types of debt involved in a bankruptcy proceeding: secured and unsecured. An experienced bankruptcy attorney can help you understand the difference and provide you with options for the debt relief solution that fit your needs.
At the Law Office of Jennifer Casey, located in The Woodlands, Texas, I have been helping people throughout the greater Houston area find sound debt relief solutions since the day I opened my doors. One of the reasons I became a lawyer was to try to help good people to get out of bad situations. I am committed to helping you get a fresh start and back on the right financial path.
Secured Debt
Secured debt is debt that is typically tied to real property. For example, your mortgage is secured by your house and your car loan is secured by your car. Filing for bankruptcy can help to wipe out the past due amount you owe on the property. In addition, you may be able to keep the property as long as you have a way to keep making the payments going forward.
Unsecured Debt
Unsecured debt is debt that is not backed by any collateral. Credit card debt and medical bills are considered unsecured debt. Particularly in Chapter 7 bankruptcy, unsecured debts are considered settled with no further liability to you once you receive your discharge.
Understanding Secured And Unsecured Debt Is Critical
Contact my office for a free consultation to discuss what type of debt you have. I am available during regular business hours and by appointment at other times. You can reach me at 281-528-1948 or via email.
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We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code..