Skilled Family Law, Estate Planning
& Bankruptcy Representation

Small-Business Bankruptcy May Be The Solution You Need

Is your business struggling, or even failing, financially? If you are a small-business owner who is overwhelmed by debt, I can help you find relief.

At the Law Office of Jennifer Casey, in The Woodlands, Texas, I help business owners throughout Harris County and Montgomery County understand their rights to various forms of debt relief.

Debt Relief For Small Businesses

You or your business may be a candidate for bankruptcy, which could allow you to keep your doors open or liquidate your business. There are several types of small-business bankruptcy options, depending on your unique situations.

You might be personally responsible for your business debts. It is important to work with a skilled lawyer to pursue bankruptcy options for your business in order to avoid being held personally liable for business debts.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy for businesses: By filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection on behalf of your business, you give permission to a bankruptcy trustee to sell assets in order to satisfy debts. This is often a suitable option for partnerships, LLCs and corporations that want to liquidate.

Personal Chapter 7 bankruptcy: If you are a sole proprietor, who is personally liable for business debts, you may wish to file for personal Chapter 7 bankruptcy to eliminate your debts. This type of bankruptcy may be a wise choice if you want to remain in business.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy for businesses: Sole proprietors also have the choice of Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which is sometimes called reorganization bankruptcy. During this process you create a repayment plan that allows you to pay your creditors back over time. You do not lose any property when you file Chapter 13.

Is Your Livelihood At Stake? Let’s Discuss Your Options In A Confidential Consultation.

I understand what is at stake when businesses cannot pay their bills, and I am committed to helping proprietors through the bankruptcy process as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Call 281-528-1948 or fill out this form to schedule a confidential legal consultation about your business debt concerns. I keep normal office hours and am available by appointment at other times.

We are now closing at 12 p.m. on Fridays.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.