Skilled Family Law, Estate Planning
& Bankruptcy Representation

An Experienced Property Division Attorney On Your Side

In Texas, a community property state, everything that is accrued during a marriage belongs to both spouses and is subject to division during divorce. This includes financial assets, physical property, business interests and even most debts.

At the Law Office of Jennifer Casey in The Woodlands, Texas, I help my clients negotiate fair divorce settlements that protect their interests. The first step I take is to help my clients take a complete inventory of their assets and debts and determine which property is community property and which is separate. When my divorce clients have high net worth estates, I bring in financial experts to trace and valuate property.

After digging into the details and preparing an accurate inventory, as your lawyer I can begin helping you divide your marital estate fairly.

How Is Community Property Divided?

Most divorcing couples have both community property and separate property.

Separate property is generally property that was acquired by one spouse before marriage. Inheritances and gifts may also be considered separate property. However, Texas law presumes that all of a married couple’s property is community property, unless one party proves that certain assets are separate property.

The law requires that upon divorce community property is divided in a way that is both fair and just, or equitable. A court might consider a number of factors in order to determine what is equitable, including each spouse’s income and earning power and which spouse has custody of the children, among other things.

Property division is usually second only to child custody in terms of contested divorce matters. As your attorney, I will help you determine which assets of your estate are separate and community property, present your case to the Court, and help you negotiate a settlement.

I Will Work Hard For A Fair Property Division Settlement

To schedule a legal consultation to discuss your property division concerns, please fill out this form or call 281-528-1948 . Appointments are available during regular business hours and after hours by request.

We are now closing at 12 p.m. on Fridays.

My law office represents family law clients throughout Harris County and Montgomery County.